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These include not only diversity, inclusion, fairness and respect for others but also the willingness to listen and consider opposing points of view. 'We have been guided in these discussions by the long-standing core values of our league. 'Since March, when North Carolina enacted HB2 and the issue of legal protections for the LGBT community in Charlotte became prominent, the NBA and the Charlotte Hornets have been working diligently to foster constructive dialogue and try to effect positive change,' the league said. In a statement, the league said it hopes to reschedule the game for Charlotte in 2019.

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The NBA is moving the 2017 All-Star Game from Charlotte, North Carolina, because of the league's objection to the state's House Bill 2, which limits anti-discrimination protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the state. NBA moves 2017 All-Star Game from Charlotte over HB2 bill

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